Stocks Screener

The best free stock screener that you can use it, easily adjust stock indicators and filter on sectors, daily volume, company capital or stock price ranges from less than $ 20 to several thousand dollars. Access US stock markets such as the NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX, MUTUAL FUND, ETF And find the most suitable conditions with a few clicks.

Stock Technical Screener

Exchange Price Price Change %
Price Range Ratio 52W % Market Cap Sector
MACD ADX Williams %R
ROC Chaikin Money Flow Money Flow Index
EMA(10) SMA(10) EMA(20)
SMA(20) EMA(50) SMA(50)
EMA(100) SMA(100) EMA(200)

Stock Result

Symbol Company Name Sector Exchange
ACST Acasti Pharma Inc. LIFE SCIENCES nasdaq
ACEL Accel Entertainment, Inc. REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION nyse
AAQC Accelerate Acquisition Corp. REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION nyse
AXDX Accelerate Diagnostics, Inc. LIFE SCIENCES nasdaq
XLRN Acceleron Pharma Inc. LIFE SCIENCES nasdaq
ACN Accenture plc TRADE & SERVICES nyse
ACCD Accolade, Inc. TRADE & SERVICES nasdaq
CLNH Accountable Healthcare America Inc. Other mutual_fund
ARAY Accuray Incorporated LIFE SCIENCES nasdaq
ACEV ACE Convergence Acquisition Corp. REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION nasdaq
ACBA Ace Global Business Acquisition Limited REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION nasdaq
ACRX AcelRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. LIFE SCIENCES nasdaq
ACER Acer Therapeutics Inc. LIFE SCIENCES nasdaq
ACHV Achieve Life Sciences, Inc. LIFE SCIENCES nasdaq
ACHL Achilles Therapeutics plc TECHNOLOGY nasdaq
ACAC Acies Acquisition Corp. Other nasdaq
ACRS Aclaris Therapeutics, Inc. LIFE SCIENCES nasdaq
ACMR ACM Research, Inc. TECHNOLOGY nasdaq
ACU Acme United Corporation MANUFACTURING amex
ACNB ACNB Corporation FINANCE nasdaq