Stocks Screener

The best free stock screener that you can use it, easily adjust stock indicators and filter on sectors, daily volume, company capital or stock price ranges from less than $ 20 to several thousand dollars. Access US stock markets such as the NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX, MUTUAL FUND, ETF And find the most suitable conditions with a few clicks.

Stock Technical Screener

Exchange Price Price Change %
Price Range Ratio 52W % Market Cap Sector
MACD ADX Williams %R
ROC Chaikin Money Flow Money Flow Index
EMA(10) SMA(10) EMA(20)
SMA(20) EMA(50) SMA(50)
EMA(100) SMA(100) EMA(200)

Stock Result

Symbol Company Name Sector Exchange
JHB Nuveen Corporate Income November 2021 Target Term Fund Other nyse
VCXA 10X Capital Venture Acquisition Corp. II REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION nasdaq
TXG 10x Genomics, Inc. LIFE SCIENCES nasdaq
YI 111, Inc. TRADE & SERVICES nasdaq
RETC 12 ReTech Corporation Other mutual_fund
^IRX 13 Week Treasury Bill Other index
YQ 17 Education & Technology Group Inc. TRADE & SERVICES nasdaq
TURN 180 Degree Capital Corp. TECHNOLOGY nasdaq
ATNF 180 Life Sciences Corp. LIFE SCIENCES nasdaq
GOED 1847 Goedeker Inc. TRADE & SERVICES nyse
EFSH 1847 Holdings LLC Other mutual_fund
BCOW 1895 Bancorp of Wisconsin, Inc. FINANCE nasdaq
SRCE 1st Source Corporation FINANCE nasdaq
DIBS 1stdibs.Com, Inc. TRADE & SERVICES nasdaq
VNET 21Vianet Group, Inc. TECHNOLOGY nasdaq
XXII 22nd Century Group, Inc. MANUFACTURING amex
ME 23andMe Holding Co. REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION nasdaq
ADER 26 Capital Acquisition Corp. REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION nasdaq
LYFE 2ndVote Life Neutral Plus ETF Other etf
EGIS 2ndVote Society Defended ETF Other etf