Stocks Screener

The best free stock screener that you can use it, easily adjust stock indicators and filter on sectors, daily volume, company capital or stock price ranges from less than $ 20 to several thousand dollars. Access US stock markets such as the NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX, MUTUAL FUND, ETF And find the most suitable conditions with a few clicks.

Stock Technical Screener

Exchange Price Price Change %
Price Range Ratio 52W % Market Cap Sector
MACD ADX Williams %R
ROC Chaikin Money Flow Money Flow Index
EMA(10) SMA(10) EMA(20)
SMA(20) EMA(50) SMA(50)
EMA(100) SMA(100) EMA(200)

Stock Result

Symbol Company Name Sector Exchange
ZZLL ZZLL Information Technology, Inc. Other mutual_fund
ZYRX Zyrox Mining International, Inc. Other mutual_fund
ZYXI Zynex, Inc. LIFE SCIENCES nasdaq
ZYNE Zynerba Pharmaceuticals, Inc. LIFE SCIENCES nasdaq
ZYME Zymeworks Inc. LIFE SCIENCES nyse
ZY Zymergen Inc. TRADE & SERVICES nasdaq
CNET ZW Data Action Technologies Inc. TECHNOLOGY nasdaq
ZUO Zuora, Inc. TECHNOLOGY nyse
ZUMZ Zumiez Inc. TRADE & SERVICES nasdaq
ZTO ZTO Express (Cayman) Inc. ENERGY & TRANSPORTATION nyse
ZS Zscaler, Inc. TECHNOLOGY nasdaq
ZVO Zovio Inc TRADE & SERVICES nasdaq
ZSAN Zosano Pharma Corporation LIFE SCIENCES nasdaq
ZPAS Zoompass Holdings, Inc. Other mutual_fund
ZI ZoomInfo Technologies Inc. TECHNOLOGY nasdaq
ZM Zoom Video Communications, Inc. TECHNOLOGY nasdaq
ZDPY Zoned Properties, Inc. Other mutual_fund
ZOM Zomedica Corp. LIFE SCIENCES amex
ZGNX Zogenix, Inc. LIFE SCIENCES nasdaq
ZTS Zoetis Inc. LIFE SCIENCES nyse